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Rita Edmond  Glance At Destiny

Slideman Slim & Penny Hanna - Procrastination

Jazz CD's

​​​Jazz Non-Profits 

​​Jazz clubs and venues may also list themselves as a Featured Jazz Venue on their Neighborhood page, offering preferred page placement, a 100x100px image, a brief description, plus enhanced fonts and colors for a minimum period of three months - please contact us at lajazzads@gmail.com for details.

Advertising artwork is the responsibility of the advertiser. All submitted ads should be 72dpi, and be no larger than 50Kb in total size. Any ads submitted over these requirements will be adjusted as necessary at the discretion of LAjazz.com.  Final displayed ad sizes may vary slightly due to layout considerations and limitations.  

*** LAjazz.com now offers additional opportunities for event exposure via its Facebook page and Twitter feed.  Our Facebook page has more than 2000 opt-in followers, and our Twitter feed has nearly 3000 opt-in followers.  These are live jazz fans looking for information and recommendations about live jazz events across Southern California !!

Display advertising rates begin at $100 and vary by duration, placement, and additional factors. Please contact us at lajazzads@gmail.com for a custom quote, or call 213-863-4710. We're happy to put together the most effective advertising possible for your event, service, or product as quickly as possible.

LAjazz.com reserves the right to reject any Display Advertising submitted for publication at its sole discretion.  If a Display Ad is rejected, any payment will be refunded to the buyer.  

Please see the Submit A Featured Event page for information and pricing on featuring individual and repeated single events on the LAjazz.com Home Page and Neighborhood pages.    

Jazz CD's – These ads are 140 pixels square and link to either the artist page, CD Baby or similar page where music can be sampled and purchased. These ads are available for periods of three, six, or 12 months. These ads appear on all pages of the LAjazz.com desktop site, but do not appear on the mobile site.  

Stage Right – These right-hand column ads are 140 pixels wide by 160 pixels high, appearing just below the Facebook And Twitter buttons near the top right of the Home page, and link to the event, service, or product page desired. The ads are available for periods ranging from two weeks to six months. These ads appear on all pages of the LAjazz.com desktop site, but do not appear on the mobile site. Optional editorial support with artist image and/or video is available.

Stage Left Featured Sponsors – These left-hand column ads are 150 pixels wide by 120 pixels high ads and include a link to the venue page, as well as a venue description, primary image, slideshow or Featured Venue description/link, preferred placement, Google map link, and prominent links to Venue calendars on the Home Page and Neighborhood page where the Major Jazz Venue is located. Featured Sponsor advertising is available by quarter. These ads appear on all pages of the LAjazz.com desktop site, but do not appear on the mobile site. All related venue description, image, slideshow or Featured Venue and calendar links do appear on the mobile site.   

LAjazz.com Display Advertising

LAjazz.com now offers a set of options to advertise and reach our thousands of weekly viewers and millions of page views annually.

NOTE:  Please use the desktop version of LAjazz.com to view sample ad images on this page - Center Column Premiere Ads appear on the mobile site but are not displayed on the Display Advertising page on the mobile site.

Center Column Premiere – 600 pixels wide by 100 pixels high – Center Column ads appear on the LAjazz.com Home Page near the top of the page under the main LAjazz.com Logo and Menu and link to the desired page for the event. Center column event ads also appear on the Neighborhood page where the event occurs, and optional additional Neighborhoods are available. Additional Center Column ads are available throughout the Home page and Neighborhood pages between major content sections, news stories, etc. Ads for Premiere Concert Halls also include a separate page with a venue description, slideshow, Google map, an optional video, and preferred and prominent links on the Neighborhood page where the hall is located, as well as advertising on the venue's Concert Hall page. Center Column Premiere ads appear on the LAjazz.com mobile site as well as the desktop site. Optional editorial support with artist image and/or video (when available) and social media support on Facebook and Twitter/X.

Center Column Neighborhood - 600 pixels wide by 100 pixels high – These ads are sold by individual Neighborhood, and appear on both the desktop and mobile sites. Neighborhood ads are available for a minimum period of two weeks and are generally the least expensive display advertising available on LAjazz.com.