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Submit A Featured Event Form
One Time Event + Facebook/X Blast
Monthly Event + Facebook/X Blast
Saturdays at Desert Rose, Los Feliz - The Mark Z. Stevens Trio plus frequent special guests including John Altman, Chuck Manning, Bill Cunliffe, Theo Saunders and Matt Von Roderick (weather permitting - check for reservations and music). 7PM
*** This form is only for paid Featured Event submissions - If you wish to Submit An Event For Free - please click here.
Note: House Concerts may only be submitted as paid Featured Events on this page - A weblink must be provided for potential patrons to obtain tickets and additional information. House concerts are not listed as free events.
Featured Event Submission Form - Use the form below to submit information for your paid Featured Event. Featured Event Listings appear on the Home Page, the Neighborhood Page assigned to the Venue where the event occurs, Quick Calendar, and our Mobile site. A 100x100px image is included with a Featured Event listing (see below).
Charges for Featured Event listings are as follows:
One-Time Featured Event Listing (single day/night only): $35.00
Note: If you have an all-day or multi-artist event, please contact for rates for Featured Event Listings and display advertising.
Monthly Featured Event Listing For Recurring Event or Event over more than one day/night - (for a single event up to 3x per week or multi-day event): $60.00
Quarterly Featured Event Listing For Recurring Event: (for a single event up to 3x per week): $125.00
*** NEW - Add Social Media - Single Facebook/Twitter Blast ***
As oj January, 2023 has more than 2,200 opt-in followers on its Facebook page, and just under 2,900 opt-in followers on itsTwitter Feed. These are live jazz fans who have specifically requested to be notified about live jazz events and recommendations across Southern California !!
One-Time Featured Event Listing (single day/night only) + one-time Facebook/Twitter Blast : $75.00
Monthly Featured Event Listing For Recurring Event or Event over more than one day/night - (for a single event up to 3x per week or multi-day event) + one-time Facebook/Twitter Blast : $100.00
Quarterly Featured Event Listing For Recurring Event: (for a single event up to 3x per week) + one-time Facebook/Twitter Blast : $175.00
Fill out the form below, then select the type of listing and payment as desired at the bottom of the Featured Event form - payments are processed through PayPal, and you can also use a credit/debit card.
In addition your Featured Event information will be considered for inclusion in the weekly About & Out music picks column. Featured Events will also be included with an event link on the Home page Quick Calendar. Featured Events are listed 3-30 days in advance of the event depending on the submission date and space available. Once posted, Featured Events appear through the actual date of your event for maximum exposure. Facebook & Twitter posts occur when the Featured Event Listing is posted.
Note: Featured Event listing price above are for events featuring a single artist or group - please contact for advertising rates and additional options for multi-artist events. Display event advertising is also available for one-time or multi-day events featuring multiple artists.
An image may be submitted along with your Featured Event to The image size is 100px wide by 100px high. Please put "Featured Event Image" in the subject line, and include the performer's name, event date, and venue in the body of the email. Please attach the image, rather than embed it in your email. Please do not send watermarked images as all images may be edited for size, exposure, etc. as needed. Featured Event images are not posted to the Mobile site. Featured Event Sample below:
Featured Sponsors
Rita Edmond Glance At Destiny
Slideman Slim & Penny Hanna - Procrastination
Jazz Non-Profits
Transctions On use PayPal's built-in security to protect and verify all transactions.
Monthly Event
Jazz CD's
Quarterly Event + Facebook/X Blast reserves the right to reject any listing for Free or Featured Events at its sole discretion. If a Featured Event listing is rejected, any payment will be refunded to the buyer.
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